Is It OK to Keep a Car Roof Cargo Box Attached at All Times? Must read


It’s summertime and that means road trips! If you’re like most people, you’ll be packing your car full of gear for your vacation. But what do you do with all the extra cargo? A cargo box is a great option for storing your belongings safely and securely. But is it OK to keep the cargo box on your car roof at all times? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using a cargo box and answer that question once and for all!

To briefly answer the question “Is It OK to Keep a Car Roof Cargo Box Attached at All Times?” The answer is simply, it depends. If you’re planning on using the cargo box often, then it’s probably fine to leave it attached to your car roof. However, if you are not planning on using the cargo box frequently, it’s best to remove it when you’re not using it.

There are pros and cons of keeping your car roof box attached at all times, keep reading this article to find out and make a decision about whether or not you want to leave it on at all times.

Pros of leaving roof cargo box attached at all times

There are a few benefits of leaving your cargo box attached to your car roof, even when you’re not using it.

1. Secure and Safe

The first benefit is that it’s more secure. If you have a cargo box that is securely fastened to your car roof, it’s less likely to be stolen than if it were left on the ground or in the trunk of your car, this is only true if you live in a crime free community.

Also when the cargo box is attached to your car, it’s less likely to be damaged in transit especially if you have a soft-sided cargo box becasue during transit, it can move around and get jostled. If you’re carrying valuable or fragile items in your cargo box, this is an important consideration.

2. Easy to access

Another benefit of keeping your cargo box attached to your car is that it’s easy to access. If you need to quickly grab something out of the cargo box, you can just open it up and grab what you need without having to detach the entire box.

This can be especially helpful if you’re in a hurry or if you’re on the road and can’t stop to detach the cargo box.

3. Less chance of forgetting

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably forgotten to put your cargo box back on your car roof at least once. When you leave it attached, there’s no chance of forgetting to put it back on before your next road trip.

Imagine going on vacation with your family and halfway into the journey, you realize you forgot to put the cargo box back on, not a great start to the trip.

4. Saves Time

Another benefit of keeping your cargo box attached to your car roof is that it saves you time. If you’re constantly taking the cargo box on and off your car, it can be a hassle. You don’t have to take it down and fix it back up every time you want to use it. All you have to do is fill it with the cargo and voila, you’re good to go!

These are a few advantages of leaving your cargo box attached at all times, keep reading to find out about the cons of leaving it attcahed.

Cons of leaving cargo box attached at all times

There are also a few drawbacks to leaving your cargo box attached to your car roof, even when you’re not using it.

1. More aerodynamic drag

The first downside is that cargo boxes can cause more aerodynamic drag. Aerodynamic drag is the force that acts against the forward motion of an object. The more aerodynamic drag an object has, the more energy it takes to move it forward.

This means that cargo boxes can decrease your fuel efficiency and cost you more money in gas. If you’re someone who is environmentally conscious or trying to save money, this is something to consider.

2. Can damage your car roof

Another downside is that cargo boxes can damage your car roof. If you have a soft-sided cargo box, the fabric can rub against your car paint and cause scratches.

Hard-sided cargo boxes can also dent or scratch your car roof. If you’re worried about damaging your car, I would suggest it’s best to remove the cargo box when you’re not using it.

3. Increased wind noise

Another disadvantage is that cargo boxes can create more wind noise. If you’re driving on the highway, this can be incredibly annoying and may even cause you to get pulled over.

When driving it is important to listen for noise from your car because it can be a sign of something wrong. If you’re constantly being distracted by wind noise, it’s best to remove the cargo box when you’re not using it to help prevent accidents on the roads.

4. Takes up space

Another drawback of cargo boxes is that they take up space. If you’re not using the cargo box, it’s just taking up space on your car roof. This can be a problem if you’re trying to park in a tight spot or if you need to put something else on your car roof (like a bike rack or surfing board).

It can also be a pain to store the cargo box when you’re not using it. If you have a small garage or no garage, it can be difficult to find a place to put the cargo box where it won’t get in the way.

5. Damage to Box

Another potential downside is that the cargo box can be damaged if it’s left attached to your car all the time. If there’s a severe storm or hail, the cargo box can be damaged. If you’re not using it often, it’s best to store it in a garage or shed to protect it from the elements.

These cargo boxes are made from materials such as aluminum, plastic, or fiberglass, and when exposed to weather conditions such as the sun and rain start to deteriorate and in a couple of years have to be replaced.

6. likely to be damaged or destroyed in an accident.

Another downside of leaving your cargo box attached all the time is that it is more likely to be damaged or destroyed if you are involved in an accident. This is because cargo boxes are often made of fragile materials that can easily be crushed in a collision.

Again, If you hit a low-hanging branch or go under a low parking garage, you could damage the box, meaning you have to spend money on fixing it or buying a new cargo box, which can be annoying and costly.

7. Increased risk of theft

Another downside is that cargo boxes are more likely to be stolen when they’re attached to your car because they’re easy to spot and easy to access. If you live in a high-crime area, it’s best to remove your cargo box when you’re not using it.

Again, When there is a cargo box attached to your car always, criminals might automatically think you have valuable items in there and might attempt to break in a steal.

8. It can damage your cargo

If you leave your cargo box on your car roof in the sun for too long, the heat can damage your belongings. The sun can fade and warp plastics and other materials.

I know how lazy it feels when you have to offload and unpack your cargo box after a trip, but the cargo box gets direct sunlight when it’s on your car roof. So if you’re carrying anything fragile or heat-sensitive, it’s best to remove the cargo box and store it in a cool, dark place.

9. It can cause accidents

Finally, Another potential downside is that it can damage your car. If the cargo box is not properly secured, it can come loose and hit your car while you’re driving or hit the car behind you if it falls backward. This could cause serious damage to your car or another car. It can also obscure other drivers’ views, which could cause accidents.

Weighing the pros and cons

Now that we’ve looked at the pros and cons of keeping a cargo box attached to your car roof, it’s up to you to decide whether it’s the right choice for you. If you frequently use your cargo box and need the extra storage, it might be worth the inconvenience of having to remove it when you’re not using it. But if you don’t use it often or don’t need the extra storage, it might be best to remove it and store it in a garage or shed. Thanks for reading!

I hope this article was helpful in deciding whether keeping a cargo box attached to your car roof is the right choice for you! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and i would be happy to reply. Happy summer travels! 🙂


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